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Durham Cathedral Service Schedule

Durham Cathedral Service Schedule

The sung service of Evensong takes place six or seven times a week. On Sunday mornings there is also a full sung Eucharist as well as a sung Matins service. This continues throughout the choir year, which loosely mirrors the pattern of the academic year.

Service Schedules are available on the Durham Cathedral website.

Surplice to reQuirement

The Choral Scholars of Durham present an evening of music including close harmony.

Sunday 9th June 2024 at 5.00pm

Durham Cathedral Choral Scholars

The Choral Scholars of Durham present an evening of music including close harmony.

VENUE: Chapter House of Durham Cathedral.

TICKETS: FREE (donations in aid of DCCA welcome). For more information, please email DCCA@durhamcathedral.co.uk.

Rapture in Rhapsody

A recital of clarinet and saxophone music accompanied by organ

Sunday 10th March 2024 at 5.15pm

With Simon Lee (Tenor Lay Clerk) and Joseph Beech (Sub organist)

Rapture in Rhapsody

Simon Lee (Tenor Lay Clerk) and Joseph Beech (Sub organist) join forces to perform a recital of music by English and Irish composers on clarinet and saxophones, accompanied by the majestic Harrison and Harrison organ of Durham Cathedral.

Featuring music by Vaughan Williams and Gerald Finzi, the programme also marks the centenary of the death of Charles Villiers Stanford. 

This concert is being presented to support the work of Durham Cathedral Choir Association. No ticket is required, but please be prepared to give generously. 

After the concert, audience and performers will have the opportunity to meet and chat over a glass of something refreshing. 

VENUE: Durham Cathedral (nave)

TICKETS: FREE (donations in aid of DCCA welcome). For more information, please email DCCA@durhamcathedral.co.uk.

Ich könnte ein Lied davon singen!

A concert by Durham Cathedral Consort of Singers

Sunday 11th February 2024 at 5.15pm

With Durham Cathedral Consort of Singers conducted by Simon Lee

Featuring Deborah Thorne (cello) and Hugh Clist-Woodward (chamber organ)

Ich könnte ein Lied davon singen!

Durham Cathedral Consort of Singers presents a programme of joyous choral music in the splendour of the Chapel of the Nine Altars at Durham Cathedral, 5.15pm Sunday 11 February.

Music to include Mendelssohn's set of three psalms, op. 78 and
Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch's Mass for 16 voices (Kyrie and Gloria).

Presented in support of the work of Durham Cathedral Choir Association.

After the concert, the audience and the choir will have the opportunity to meet and chat over refreshments.

VENUE: The Chapel of the Nine Altars, Durham Cathedral

TICKETS: are FREE (Donations in aid of DCCA welcome). For more information, please email DCCA@durhamcathedral.co.uk.

Easter Day - The Easter Vigil, Dawn Eucharist with Baptism and Confirmation

Sunday 9th April 2023 at 5.00pm

Easter Sunday marks the day when Jesus rose again.

At the 5am service beginning in the cloister garth, we make the journey from darkness into light as the sun rises, and hear the ancient proclamation of Easter, the Exsultet. As we celebrate Christ’s victory over death with music and prayer, we also affirm our faith and witness baptisms and confirmations. Join us for refreshments after the Dawn Eucharist service.

The celebrations continue throughout the day with Matins, Sung Eucharist and Evensong.

Service Times

5am: First Eucharist of Easter with Baptism and Confirmation
10am: Matins
11.15am: Festal Eucharist
3.30pm: Evensong

Good Friday: The Three Hours

Friday 7th April 2023 at 12.00pm

At the Three Hours Service, we commemorate the three hours that Christ suffered on the cross. We hear again the story of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus’ arrest and trial, and Peter’s denial of Jesus, before we reach Jesus’ crucifixion and death. During this time, music is interspersed between contemplative reflections, prayers and silences.

Visiting preacher, Alison Milbank, Canon Theologian of Southwell Minster and Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham, gives the addresses at this service.

Maundy Thursday - Stripping of the Altar

Thursday 6th April 2023 at 7.30pm

During this service, we commemorate Jesus instituting Eucharist during the Last Supper and remember his washing of his disciples' feet. This re-enactment involves washing the feet of the Cathedral community, to remind us of the humility of Christ and that the greatest commandment is to love others.

Following this, we process down to the Galilee Chapel to reflect on his betrayal and arrest in Durham’s ancient 'Judas Cup Ceremony', before the altar is stripped and the cathedral is sent into darkness. Following the service, we are invited to keep watch and pray with Jesus in the silence until 10pm.

Visiting preacher, Alison Milbank, Canon Theologian of Southwell Minster and Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham, gives the address at this service.

This is followed by a Watch at the Altar of Repose until 10.00pm. Incense is used at this service.

  • Missa Brevis - Walton
  • Ubi caritas et amor - David Briggs
  • A Litany - Walton
  • Ne irascaris, Domine - Byrd

VENUE: Durham Cathedral

Annual General Meeting 2020

Sunday 18th October 2020 at 5.00pm

Please join us for our Annual General Meeting.

We would love you to join us!


Sunday 17th May 2020 at 4.30pm

Please join us for the DCCA's Annual General Meeting. More details to appear closer to the time.

For more information, please contact dcca@durhamcathedral.co.uk

Bach, St John Passion

with the Choir of Durham Cathedral & The Avison Ensemble

Sunday 5th April 2020 at 7.00pm

Durham Cathedral Choir joins forces with period instrument performers The Avison Ensemble to perform Bach's stunning St John Passion.

Front Nave

For tickets (£8 - £28) please follow the link below:


Monteverdi Vespers

performed by the Choir of Durham Cathedral & The Avison Ensemble

Sunday 2nd February 2020 at 7.00pm

Durham Cathedral Choir and renowned period orchestra The Avison Ensemble join forces to present Monteverdi’s much loved masterpiece.
Conductor: Daniel Cook, Leader: Pavlo Beznosiuk

Front Nave

For tickets (£8 - £28) please follow the link below:


La Nativité du Seigneur

Organ Recital by Daniel Cook

Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 7.30pm

Hear the great Christmas cycle by the French 20th-century composer Olivier Messiaen, performed by Daniel Cook, Master of the Choristers and Organist of Durham Cathedral. The nine pieces each portray one aspect of Christ’s birth and coming among us.

To listen to the La Nativité du Seigneur on YouTube, click here.

For tickets (£10 adult, £8 concession), please follow the link below:


Epiphany Procession with Carols

Special Service

Sunday 19th January 2020 at 3.30pm

We celebrate the Epiphany season with a service of readings and music that follows the journey of the Three Kings as Christ is revealed to them.

Christmas with Durham Cathedral Choir

Saturday 14th December 2019 at 7.30pm

Join Durham Cathedral Choir and the Reg Vardy Band for a spectacular evening of festive classics.

VENUE: Durham Cathedral

TICKETS: £8-£28, available online (see link below) or through the Cathedral Visitor Desk (0191 338 7178).

A pre-concert festive supper is available - can be booked at the same time as concert tickets online or via the Visitor Desk. 

Book tickets online: https://www.durhamcathedral.co.uk/whats-on/book?id=6790&date=14/12/2019-19:30&endtime=14/12/2019-21:30

Advent Procession with Carols

Sunday, 7pm

Sunday 1st December 2019 at 7.00pm

All are welcome to attend a service of lessons and carols for Advent in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Music is sung by Durham Cathedral Choir.

As these are very popular services, members of the congregation are advised to arrive in good time.

For more information, please contact the Cathedral's visitor desk on 0191 338 7178 or visitor.desk@durhamcathedral.co.uk

Advent Procession with Carols

Saturday, 7pm

Saturday 30th November 2019 at 7.00pm

All are welcome to attend a service of lessons and carols for Advent in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Music is sung by Durham Cathedral Choir.

As these are very popular services, members of the congregation are advised to arrive in good time.

For more information, please contact the Cathedral's visitor desk on 0191 338 7178 or visitor.desk@durhamcathedral.co.uk

Durham Christmas Festival

Come and find our stall at the Christmas fair in the cloisters of the Cathedral

Friday 29th November 2019 at 12.00pm

Don’t miss DCCA’s sales stall in the Cathedral cloisters, Friday 29 November to Sunday 1 December at Durham Christmas Festival.

Opening times:

Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 12 noon - 4pm

We shall sell books, CDs, homemade conserves and Christmas decorations. Do come along, look us up and buy from us. Again, all proceeds will go towards the Cathedral’s music.

Venue: Durham Cathedral Cloisters


In celebration of the 10th anniversary of girl Choristers at Durham Cathedral

Saturday 23rd November 2019 at 5.15pm

Join the cathedral choir, organists and former choristers for an evensong celebrating 10 years of Girl Choristers at Durham Cathedral.

Former boy and girl-choristers, who have sung in the past 10 years, are invited to sing Evensong on 23rd along with the current choir.

Those wishing to sing are invited to contact the Cathedral Office on 0191 386 4266, or email Jasmine Oakes, Jasmine.Oakes@durhamcathedral.co.uk 

Venue: Durham Cathedral

Handel's Messiah

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of girl Choristers at Durham Cathedral

Friday 22nd November 2019 at 7.00pm

The Choir of Durham Cathedral, Durham Cathedral Consort of Singers, The Avison Ensemble and former Cathedral Choristers of all ages will perform Handel's Messiah on 22nd November.

This weekend we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first services sung by Durham Cathedral’s team of girl Choristers. The first event will be a wonderful performance of Handel’s Messiah on Friday evening at 7 p.m. in the Cathedral. The performers will be the Cathedral Choir - with both boys’ and girls’ teams - the Cathedral Consort of Singers and former Cathedral choristers of all ages; with the Avison ensemble.

Venue: Durham Cathedral

Tickets: please visit the Cathedral website  www.durhamcathedral.co.uk , click on “What’s On” and information about the concert and how to buy tickets is below the calendar.

Tickets cost from £8 to £28.

DCCA AGM and Members' Concert

Sunday 19th May 2019 at 4.30pm

Tea and coffee will be served in Prior's Hall following Evensong.

The AGM will begin at 4.30pm and will be followed by the Members' Concert in the Quire at 5.30pm.

VENUE: Prior's Hall followed by concert in the Quire

European treasures: from East to West

With the Darina Piano Duo

Sunday 10th March 2019 at 5.00pm

A tour through the 18th and 19th century German-Russian classical repertoire, followed by Dvorak and Arensky, and concluding with music by a number of modern English composers.

European treasures: from East to West

VENUE: Prior's Hall, Durham Cathedral

TICKETS: £15 available by email (Please enable JavaScript to view this email address), including refreshments after the concert.  Accompanied school-aged children go free and students are £5.


Durham Cathedral Consort of Singers & Coquetdale Chamber Choir

Sunday 4th November 2018 at 5.30pm

Conductors: Fancesca Massey and John Casken


A remembrance-tide programme featuring John Casken's Memorial and Howell's Requiem.

VENUE: Chapter House, Durham Cathedral

TICKETS: £15, to include refreshments after the concert, are available by email (Please enable JavaScript to view this email address) or on the door. Children of school age free when accompanied by an adult. Students £5.

An Evening with the Choral Scholars of Durham Cathedral

Baroque to Barbershop - Music for a Summer’s Evening!

Sunday 15th July 2018 at 5.00pm

An Evening with the Choral Scholars of Durham Cathedral

VENUE: Durham Cathedral with a reception afterwards in the Chapter House.

TICKETS: £15 to include refreshments after the concert. Available by email (Please enable JavaScript to view this email address) or on the door. Children of school age free when accompanied by an adult. Students £5.

Abraham and Isaac

Purcell to Britten, Celebration of English Song

Sunday 17th June 2018 at 5.00pm

With Durham Cathedral Choral Scholars Phil Durrant and Lewis Cullen

Abraham and Isaac

VENUE: Durham Cathedral with a reception afterwards in the Chapter House.

TICKETS: £15 available by email (Please enable JavaScript to view this email address) or on the door. Children of school age free when accompanied by an adult. Students £5.

English and Irish Treasures

Durham Alumni Recital at Van Mildert College

Thursday 31st May 2018 at 6.00pm

Matthew Morgan, tenor
Emily Penn, oboe
Michael Hickman, piano

English and Irish Treasures

With music by Benjamin Britten, Arnold Bax, Ralph Vaughan Williams, George Butterworth, Ernest John Moeran and Hamilton Harty.

VENUE: Van Mildert College, Durham University

TICKETS: SCR members and guests £12 (including dinner following the recital at 7.30pm). Van Mildert students free of charge.

To book for dinner email: (Please enable JavaScript to view this email address)

Sing Alleluia! DCCA Annual Concert & AGM

Sunday 13th May 2018 at 4.30pm

Sing Alleluia! DCCA Annual Concert & AGM

Tea and coffee will be served in Priors' Hall from 4.30pm.

The AGM will begin at 4.45pm and will be followed by the Members' Concert in the Quire at 5.30pm.

VENUE: Prior's Hall followed by concert in the Quire

Bach - St John Passion

Sunday 25th March 2018 at 7.00pm

Durham Cathedral Choir
The Avison Ensemble
Conducted by Daniel Cook, Master of the Choristers and Organist of Durham Cathedral

Durham Cathedral Choir joins forces with the Avison Ensemble to perform Bach's stunning St John Passion on the evening of Palm Sunday. This unmissable concert will be conducted by Daniel Cook with internationally renowned violinist Pablo Beznosiuk leading the orchestra. Vocal soloists will be from within Durham Cathedral Choir including some of the Cathedral Choristers.

FULL DETAILS: including ticket purchase, can be obtained by going to Durham Cathedral website.

Awake Sweet Love

Lute songs for a Spring Evening by John Dowland

Saturday 17th March 2018 at 7.00pm

Charles MacDougall, tenor
Robin Thodey, lute

Awake Sweet Love

VENUE: North Transept, Durham Cathedral

TICKETS: £15 (including refreshments). Available to reserve by email (Please enable JavaScript to view this email address), to purchase on the door or by sending SAE to DCCA, The Chorister School, The College, Durham DH1 3EL.

Desert Island Discs

With Daniel Cook

Friday 13th October 2017 at 7.00pm

Desert Island Discs

We welcome Daniel Cook as the new Master of Choristers and Organist at Durham Cathedral, following the retirement of James Lancelot. Daniel comes to us from Westminster Abbey, where he was Sub-Organist and Assistant Director of Music. No stranger to the North-East, Daniel was brought up in Hartlepool, was a pupil of Keith Wright, and was for a time a member of Durham Cathedral Consort of Singers.

VENUE: Prior's Hall

TICKETS: £10 including drinks and canapés.

An Evening with the Choral Scholars of Durham Cathedral

Baroque to Barbershop - Music for a Summer’s Evening!

Saturday 24th June 2017 at 7.30pm

An Evening with the Choral Scholars of Durham Cathedral

VENUE: North Transept, Durham Cathedral

TICKETS: £15 / £5 (students) including refreshments after the concert available from (Please enable JavaScript to view this email address) or on the door. Children of school age free when accompanied by an adult.

DCCA AGM & Members' Concert

Sunday 14th May 2017 at 4.45pm

DCCA AGM & Members' Concert

Tea and coffee will be served in Prior's Hall from 4.30pm.

The AGM will begin at 4.45pm and will be followed by the Members' Concert in the Quire at 5.30pm.

VENUE: Prior's Hall, followed by concert in the Quire

Desert Island Discs

with the Very Reverend Andrew Tremlett

Friday 17th February 2017 at 7.00pm

Desert Island Discs

The Dean of Durham the Very Reverend Andrew Tremlett is interviewed by Baroness Maeve Sherlock.

VENUE: Prior's Hall

TICKETS: £10 to include refreshments and canapés, available by email (Please enable JavaScript to view this email address) or SAE to DCCA, The Chorister School, The College, Durham DH1 3EL.

DCCA - Lute concert, Chapel of the Holy Cross
DCCA - Lute concert, Chapel of the Holy Cross